
This is my blog about food. I love food, and I love to cook but find some books and particularly some tv programmes so over complicated. I inherited a 1948 Good Housekeeping cookbook which has some amazing recipes, some of the recipes scare me slightly like the stuffed heart and tripe! I’ve set myself a challenge to cook every recipe from the book and I’m going to document this journey on my blog. Starting on 1st September 2013 I am going to make one recipe every day. Not all the recipes are for complete meals, I am going to try every sauce, drink, cake, chutney and even the suggested 2 week diet menu! The book is over 500 pages long so this may take me some time, I will enlist the help of my friends and family, mainly as tasters and critics! I plan to post some recipes and photos and welcome any comments. All credit for the recipes goes to Good Houskeeping.

I also make cakes and they are my own creations!

55 thoughts on “About

  1. I’m really enjoying following your blog, and, who knows, may be inspired to try some of the things I don’t like: eggs; lamb; almost all seafood….
    I just saw some fresh globe artichokes for £1.50 each in Zucchini greengrocers in Pollokshields. I was there for passion fruit for a cake – 3 for £1 (£1 each in Waitrose!)

      • Now I’m remembering the recipe said Jerusalem artichokes. I didn’t check Zucchini for them, but it’s the kind of place that could stock them. Great cafes nearby if you venture South!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world and thank you so much for coming by and thereby introducing me to your new blog space. Oh I am so excited to learn that you are in Glasgow. I lived there up until two years ago. I Look forward to reading your cooking posts and learning more about you.

  3. Woww… It takes a lot of determination to cook 500 recipes in 500 days. Forget the hard work! I started my blogging after seeing the movie Julie and Julia and ever since I too badly wanted a cookbook so that I can try all the recipes! Way to go!! And all the best!
    Happy blogging! Bon Appetite..And yeah, thanks for showing interest in my blog! 🙂

    • Thanks! Yeah I loved that film too! I think I have over 500 recipes as the book is about 500 pages and there’s a few pages with more than 1 recipe, so that will keep me going for a while!!

  4. Viewed your recipe ingredients for Mango Fool and your comment that you did not particularly like the result. Let me say I used to have Mango Fool quite often made by my mother and also by my aunts when I was growing up many tears ago in Karachi. I clearly recall the quantity of sugar should equal almost exactly the quantity of green mango used by weight. Further, there should be 1 litre of milk for 500 grams of mango used or 1 Quart of milk per 1 Kg of Mango used to make the mango fool. Please try this again and let me know if you change your mind about liking this desert drink. Best Regards, Alvin Borthwick (Perth Australia)

    • Hi. Thanks so much for your comment. I will follow your advice and try again. I was really disappointed that I didn’t enjoy it following the recipe I used so will be good to try again. Thanks

  5. Pingback: Pilau {pilaf} | Le Food Snob

  6. Hi there, thanks for the follow at Mrs Portly’s Kitchen, lovely to meet you! As is only polite I checked yours out in return and I’m frankly in awe. The late 1940s wasn’t exactly a high point in British cooking IMHO so hats off to you for bravery and for such a good idea. It seems the oldies are still the goldies in many respects (oldies referring to the recipes, not to you, lol). And your cakes are quite simply stunning. I loved the polar bears.

    • Thanks! yes I have been quite surprised at some of these recipes. Some will have been added at the time of the copy I have which is 1967. I’ve been picking up good tips and techniques – there has been a few strange things like bananas in salads and crisps with curry but I’ll give anything a go!! Thanks for comment about the cake, my daughter loves polar bears!

  7. I’ve been browsing your blog for about 30 minutes. Frankly speaking I am so impressed by the amount of time and effort you’ve taken to cook from the Good housekeeping book. The book has 500 pages but at this rate I know you will achieve your challenge. I admire your courage, dedication and determination. I wish you all the best in your endeavour to cook every recipe. I shall follow you so I can keep up with your progress. Best wishes…and happy cooking and baking!

    • Thanks Liz. I think some people thought I was crazy to try and do every recipe and every day! I’ve been doing this now for nearly 9 months and had to accept that there will be days now and again where I won’t have time! There certainly is a lot of recipes but I’m enjoying it!

      • I am glad to hear you’re enjoying it. That’s what really matters. I look forward to seeing the end of your journey. You’ve truly inspired me, never to be lazy, again. Have a pleasant day!

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  9. Hi Jacqui! Just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog and congrats on your anniversary – I think you are doing a fine job! I’m really impressed at the effort you put in and some of the recipes have been very interesting to say the least…. I inherited a Good Housekeeping bible when I left home, but other than the old faithful recipes my Mum and Gran used to use I haven’t ever really attempted anything else – you have inspired me to at least have a go and see what happens. I look forward to reading your future foodie adventures!

    • Hi. Thanks so much for the comment. Some of the recipes have been a tad unusual!! I love to hear that I’ve inspired people to try things they wouldn’t normally, I certainly have been trying a good few new recipes!! I do plan to keep going until I’ve tried everything!!

  10. Nice to meet you!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog so that I could discover yours!
    It is a really lovely blog with many tasty recipes! Your breads also look fantastic so apart! x

    Greetings from a foodie from Belgium! 🙂

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