Chinese Chicken

It’s a bit of a vague recipe really, I don’t imagine this is an authentic recipe but really just one using a couple of ingredients that would be considered inspired by China back when this was written..



I was opting to use chicken thighs as I find they are better for recipes like this that involve marinading.

I did not want to deep fry this so opted for the frying in a little oil in a pan. I just didn’t fancy the idea of a whole piece of chicken deep fried!

It was smelling good whilst cooking and I did turn it a couple of times during the frying process. I wonder if I didn’t drain the chicken properly as in some places it wasn’t looking as crisp as I had expected.


The recipe says that a little of the sherry and soy sauce can be added to the rice, but I just didn’t like the idea of adding some of that left over liquid to the cooked rice because it had been sitting with the raw chicken. So we just had this with plain boiled rice.

The chicken wasn’t crispy at all, which I wonder if it’s meant to be? It was really soft and well cooked. I didn’t think the flavour from the soy sauce came through enough and I did feel like the sherry overpowered everything. It was nice though and was enjoyed by the three of us, I just do think I maybe should’ve just tried the deep frying!!

Would I make this again? Maybe, I’d cut back the sherry though


2 thoughts on “Chinese Chicken

  1. I think in a more authentic version, Chinese cooking wine would be used. I guess you could put the marinade into a saucepan and cook it for a while to treat the rawness and then add to the rice?

    This dish doesn’t remind me of anything specific. I guess the style of cooking is like wok fried chicken.

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