Onion and Tomato Salad

My blog has been neglected for the last couple of days again. I know when I started this I was aiming for a recipe a day, I think I need to accept that’s not always possible!! I’m still going to try do one when I can until the whole book has been tried!

Tonight the sun is shining so we are having dinner in the garden and I decided to make this to serve with chicken



As you can see there is not much to this. Slicing onion and tomato isn’t terribly taxing. I have an abundance of chives in my garden so I just snipped a few off, then I have french dressing left from earlier in the week.

I had expected the onion to be overpoweringly strong, so what I did was left it all sitting for a while before trying it.

I had this just on its own and was great, really surprising how pleasant it was with big rings of raw onion! I definitely think leaving the onion to rest in the dressing was a good idea.

Would I make this again? Yes, lovely simple salad

3 thoughts on “Onion and Tomato Salad

  1. Pingback: Tomato Salad | goodfoodseeking

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